You, ZERO chance of being a great speaker?
If you’re taking massive action, but following the wrong advice, you’re doomed from the beginning.
For example, in the last 5 or 7 years, I’ve noticed a huge spike in the desire for the “Beach body”.
The desire to have a beautiful body and the public’s placing value on such vanity has always been there, but WHAT they value has changed.
In recent years, what’s been in vogue is a very firmed and toned figure.
Yet, women (and some men), in an attempt to have that figure, turn to programs like Zumba, Aerobics and other pure aerobic exercise programs.
These are great to lose weight, but you’ll never, EVER reach your goal of a firmed and toned body.
In fact, the more you do it, the ‘softer’ you will become because it actually destroys muscle.
So you could have someone that wants a beach body….
Actually committed to a program, is doing the program with consistency… and has ZERO chance of reaching their desired goal.
That’s what happens when you follow the wrong advice.
Best intentions. Actually doing the work. Zero chance.
Pretty sad, eh?
Unfortunately, I see this in the speaking game as well. You have the best intentions of becoming a powerhouse influencer.
You even committed to doing it…
Better yet, you ARE doing it…
Unfortunately, you’re getting your “advice” from an unqualified speaking coach, so not matter how much effort you put into it, you have little chance of reaching that goal.
I’m not saying they are deliberately trying to mislead you.
But even with the best intentions, doesn’t change the fact that doing aerobics isn’t going to give you that beach body you desire, EVER…
If you want the best advice to be the best Chiropractic Speaker you can be, you must check out the
This is a Chiro only club, where we give you the truth on what works and what doesn’t work.
Besides giving 1000’s of live talks ourselves, we are coaching some of the highest volume speakers in the chiropractor industry. We know what’s working and what’s not.
You can get more information here:
Onward and upward,
Jeff Paro
The Chiro Speaking Club
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