Why not speaking this language is costing you moolah

Yesterday I was looking at some photos from my trip to Europe a few years back.

Though I can’t remember all of it (I think their alcohol is a bit stronger over there), I do remember something very clearly.

When I was in Eastern Europe I felt completely lost. I remember ordering from a menu that I couldn’t understand one word of. Nor could most of the waiters explain what it was in english.

At times it was eery and unsettling. (until I remembered I was traveling with a former Red Team, Navy Seal)

As distant as that may seem from your life, it’s no different than what I’ve witnessed during chiro presentations.

You’re so immersed in your chiro culture and education, that you use words and concepts that are ‘native’ to you, but are really ‘foreign’ to your audience.


Connected to source…

Innate healing…

Subluxation (yes, I’ve seen some chiros assume people know what this is)

That’s why some of your audience has those glazed eyes that makes your wanna quote Chris Tucker: “do you understand the words, coming outta my mouth!?”

Instead of speaking your language, you have to speak their language.

Especially if you are doing any kind of infinity talks (groups of like people — accountants, realtors, business people etc).

You’re not going to use the same language when speaking to Car salesman as you would in a Church.


When Roberto and I started to focus solely on Chiropractors, we had to go to school and figure out ‘your world’.

Roberto, has gotten so good at this, that he is OFTEN mistaken as a Doctor!

I tell him he is a D.O.C. <— Doctor of Conversions

When you join come join our Chiro Speaking Club, you’re going to get access to the exact process we use to know our audience. Be able to speak to your potential patients in their native language.

Also enjoy:

— A simple technique ensuring you never BOMB a talk again.

— Half truths and outright lies “GooRoos” are telling you about speaking.

— A quiet, “unobtrusive” and even innocent looking way to close for the business.

Learn to speak another language:

Onward and upward,

Jeff Paro
The Chiro Speaking Company

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