Is Ellen DeGeneres a Speaking Coach?

Is Ellen DeGeneres a speaking coach?

That was what I asked myself when I read her quote.

“Let’s be honest. It’s not that we don’t have the time for long speeches. It is that we don’t have time for boring speeches” (quoted by Folk, 2014)

She is 100% correct.

People think talks have to be super short because people will not pay attention. If you believe that, then can you please explain to me why the highest paid speaker in the world, Anthony Robbins, in 2018, can speak for 14 hours straight to 10,000 people and keep them on the edge of their seats? Seriously, if you have ever been to any of Tony’s events you will have noticed that people are so engaged that they will barely leave their seats to go to the bathroom.

The problem with lack of attention has nothing to do with the length of the talk, it has to do with the content of the talk and how the talk is delivered.

Now, I agree that the longer the talk, the harder it is to keep the audience’s attention, that is why speakers must be effective!

You and I both know that when the speaker is boring, even a 5-minute talk can be painful and cause the audience to turn to their cell phones to see their latest’s Facebook post.

A doctor called me last month and told me she had a bad experience doing a lunch and learn for a company. She could not grab and keep the audience’s attention and, consequently, she could not convert anyone.

That is why I decided to record this video where I share with you 3 ways for you to both grab and keep your audience’s attention during a talk.

Here is the video

Don’t speak to inform, speak to transform



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  1. Paul Groulx on February 23, 2018 at 6:53 am

    Great video buddy.

    • Roberto Monaco on February 25, 2018 at 6:28 pm

      Thanks my friend. I hope all is well!

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