93% closing rate last 8 weeks

Anybody can speak once and convert 9 out of 10 people. Doing it consistently is a different conversation, it is extremely difficult.

I just received an unsolicited email from one of our coaching clients that read “over the last 8 weeks in our clinic we closed 93% during our group doctor’s report”.

After I read the email it put a HUGE smile on my face because I know how much this doctor has worked on his craft. He put so many hours fine-tuning his message, practicing, finding his own stories, etc. I could not be more proud of him!

At the end of the day, it is about helping more people with Chiropractic care, and that gets me super pumped!

I believe there is a process for everything:

… To become healthier

… To create a successful business

… And to increase conversion during a presentation

While I do not promise or guarantee that when you follow my process you will achieve a 93% or more closing ratio, I can guarantee you that when you implement these 5 steps you WILL increase your conversation ratios, period! By how much? I do not know, but you will!

Watch this video, implement this process and let me know how much better your results get.

Here is the video:

Don’t speak to inform, speak to transform



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